Podcast - Mace Training Pro - Mr.Maceman AKA Rik Brown

December 08, 2021 - Colin Lake

Podcast #003 - Rik Brown

Mr.Maceman aka Rik Brown has been teaching people how to use the mace for over 15 years, from the motor morons (Those lacking coordination and natural athletic ability) to many elite level athletes. He teaches an amazing course. He is a master mace trainer and has done to maces what Pavel did for kettlebells.

I was honoured to learn from him. He understands the body and movement very well and he teaches in such a professional way. Every student feels his energy and passion for sharing his extensive knowledge about this amazing tool and how to use it as it.

Be sure to follow him and take his course if you ever have the chance. I highly recommend it.

RIk and I talk about mace training and circular strength training. It's a great conversation.

We cover chat about things such as:

  • Flow vs traditional mace training

  • Types of maces (steel maces, Hydro mace, Bamboo Maces from Bill and Steph Sorenson)

  • Competitions - crazy one handed comps in Spain, weak ones in North America( we need to step it up around here and represent)

  • Benefits of mace training.

  • Starting direction when learning the mace. (very neat joint coupling, easiest direction biomechanically

  • Benefits of having foundational based movements in your tool box to maintain your body when needed .

  • Programming and rep ranges to start at and aim for. (Very Important)

  • Importance of healthy shoulders in healthy movement

  • Traits good maces have.

  • Undulating movement is much different then linear force/strength applications

Learn a movement and aim for 20-30 reps flawlessly then work it until you can do 100. Don't add any more weight until you get 100 reps. Maces were designed/developed from battle weapons and were meant for many reps of use. So you wouldn't bring a really heavy mace to battle as you would get tired and not be able to continue macing folks.

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