Podcast Episode 005 - Adam Glass (Grip Expert)
Great Lakes Girya Podcast 005
Professional Grip Strongman + Really knowledgeable fun guy to talk to.
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This is a very lengthy episode. Bottom line, strong grip means you’re strong. If your grip is weak… so are you. Stress happens, it's how you deal with it that dictates how it affects you.
But this podcast also has great insights on growing an equipment business at the beginning and during the peak of the pandemic! We chat about how Great Lakes Girya came to be as we know it today:
Dive into the way I built GLG from my basement to a multimillion dollar business.
Chat about my past and previous career as a trainer.
Delve into what personal training and courses are about, plus injuries I sustained and dealt with via my own personal training.
Later in this episode, we chat about grip although, as chats sometimes do, we also talk extensively regarding sales and marketing and customer types. Insights such as: flavoured oreos will be bought by people who like oreos. It makes sense to target the market you are speaking to, rather than targeting everyone. Target specifically for best results.
Strength Gains and Power Positions
Adam views my 60kg TGU and says he sees more strength to be had. He mentioned 80kg. I will gun for the 72kg first and will substitute the barbell ion as he suggested. I haven't done that and it will give me a different experience which will allow me to go heavier as well.
We talk about the power position of the palm. It's the subtle difference that allows you to get heavier in your press or TGU. Do you flex, slightly flex or extend? People that are capable of lifting heavy you'll see the wrist is slightly extended as you allow the handle to press into the powerpoint of the palm.
Kool Aid with the kettlebell industry. Around the 2hour 11min mark.
It's a great listen. A neat chat regarding Steve Cotter apparently spilling the beans about Russians putting the North American training and representatives to shame.