Podcast Episode 004 - Emre (Creator of the Gripedo)

December 19, 2021 - Colin Lake

Great Lakes

Very excited to get this podcast out here for everyone to hear. In this episode I chat with Emre from Gripdeo and talk about grip and why it's important. Also we chat about this invention, the Gripedo

Actions of the wrist = Supination and pronation are terms used to describe the up or down orientation of your hand, arm, or foot. When your palm or forearm faces up, it's supinated. When your palm or forearm faces down, it's pronated

Actions of your upper arm (humerus) In anatomy, internal rotation (also known as medial rotation) is rotation towards the centre of the body. External rotation (or lateral rotation) is rotation away from the centre of the body.

Visual video on youtube

Podcast Timeline


-Talking about grip and how it is gaining in popularity and introducing the gripeo.

-Movement for health and fitness in the last 10 years has increased the popularity of grip training .

-Grip is very important , especially for those who are athletes or use their hands daily for tough work.

- If you have to grab something heavy in an emergency situation. Gripedo for rehabbing elbow issues such as tennis elbow or golfer's elbow.

Visual video on youtube

10min -20min

-Chatting about me being a foot and hand fanatic (not in a creepy way)

-Kinetic chain - Train grip to avoid having your hand/wrist be your weak link

-Concentric training for rest/recovery/deload days easier on the nervous system and to recover from.

-Lou simmons from westside barbell uses lots of sled/concentric work

-Sealing from Paul to pay Peter in terms of movement (can't rotate in spine - knees, shoulders, ankles will rotate to make up for that.

20min - 40min

-Different positions to work the Gripedo - all planes sagittal, frontal and transverse (Very neat)

- Arm wrestling and the obvious importance of grip strength for that sport.

- Arm Lifting Super Series

- 250lb mace !!!! I need to check out how this thing was used. That is insane.

- Chatting about GLG Steel Clubs edesign and new upcoming options

- Maces and design ideas from our line up.

- Strength vs endurance with gripedo

- Combining kb and gripedo (Wicked combo !!)

40min - 65min

-Mental toughness with grip work (and bells)

- Supersetting gripedo and doing giant sets , drop sets with other grip training methods for insane grip endurance

- No grip = game over in fighting

- Bjj and Sambo chat. Taking off in North America (Canada kicks ass at Judo)

- Lots of physios love the Gripdeo

- How did Emre come up with the Gripdeo.

- Overuse injuries are enemy number one in wrist/elbow dysfunction (not balanced with strength and range of movement)

- Conditioning vs rehab with the Gripdeo

- Always work with a physio and physician to get assessed and started off safely.

- Pain can be a deterrent for progress. Don't work in pain.Work with your injury and around i

Move well and then get strong.

-Emre's story behind starting the Grideo!