Episode #7 - James Neidlinger -Flexible Steel Club Specialist Lead Instructor

May 01, 2022 - Colin Lake

James Podcast -

Indian Club Instructor

This podcast was all over the place. It was a great time. Got off topic a lot.

  • What is an Indian club? What is it used for?

  • They came from a bottle. Wine or perrier bottle.

  • Indian clubs, persian meal, jori are all variations of clubs

  • Ryan Pitts mace maces look amazing. I must chat with him about getting a GLG mace and club option.

  • Chatting about different coatings on clubs. Shellac is merely a resin that is secreted by the lac bug. It can be processed and then sold as dry flakes. It can then be used as a brush-on colorant and most commonly as wood finish. Varnish, on the other hand, is a protective finish or film that is very hard and is also used in wood finishing.

  • Indian clubs ( are bat shaped or bowling pin style clubs that are typically used in a group setting that are a cross between calisthenics and juggling. Club Swinging was born. Keeps you mobile well not decreasing performance by not over fatiguing.

  • Great for people who need to keep mobile and use their bodies in potentially life saving interventions.

  • How James got into clubs.

  • Get good communication skills then learn how to fight. If one doesn't pan out.. You have a backup.

  • Fundamentals - not needed to start. Just get going.

  • You're not broken. If you can still move. Figure it out.

  • If you're a coach. Have the fundamentals sorted. Whatever you teach to someone you better know you're doing it properly.

  • Working through injuries in my mind set. If it hurts too much don't do it. Simple.

  • Chatting about being a new trainer. Taking any client you can take. Gotta do what you gotta do. ( Take whatever clients you can )

  • The magic tricks are to show up, do the work and get it done.

  • Nerve flossing. Good stuff with Indian clubs.

  • If you take courses don't drop the program your client is on and start applying all the new tools you just learned from the course. Stay focused on your clients goals.

  • Beer, Bacon and Brownies ( 97% open rate) not clickbait.

  • Clubs can help people calm down peoples systems. Great for getting people started with movement.

  • “Move towards better everyday, get strong , stay strong and don’t fucking quit. '' James Neidlinger Quote.

  • Going through the 5 movements taught from Flexible steel.

  • Request , demo then que. .. poop in the woods. Perfect cue for the squat.

  • New adjustable mace /club combo! Coming out in 2022.

  • Reach James at